Recream is an independent content and production studio specializing in art and entertainment.
Where art meets science, techology and entertaiment, where live perfomances crosses over with technology and where the digital world collides with the physical world.
"Recream Live Cinema" develops and creates film based sculptures and live performaces. We quickly design media sculptures, installations, performances and spaces that have an effect on their respective locations, giving them their identity — beyond their function, visibility, likes and sales activation. Recream is a unique hybrid mix of technologies, commerce and culture. We use new technologies as a tool to create a unique visitor experience resulted in a cinematic performance with a strong identity, aesthetic, new technologies and timeless subject.
Content and storytelling was always in the foreground for us, never technology.
"Recream Live Cinema" has been established as a dedicated division within Recream productions focus on creating video content for brands and working for corporate clients, small business, culture, research and entertainment. We are an indie studio specializing in the art of making films, creative communications, art, branding or brand placing and live experiences. We do research, art direction, branding, CG, VFX, animation and live action works. Working for brands, agencies, individuals, events, galleries and museums, hotels, shoping malls or public gardens on personal artistic and commercials projects or collaborations as animators or supervisors in feature films for over 3 years.
We design and developing films and film based sculptures, live installations, performances and live experiences. Offering a wide range of additional services such as creative direction, marketing, production, post-pr., the creation of design, storyboards, characters development, 2D / 3D animation, S-3D, visualizations, promotion, print and physical exhibitions design.
RECREAM is fresh and healthy cinematic creativity & production for you! Let’s create something together.